Monday, June 29, 2009

timed 5K at 36 minutes - 11.61 per mile

Ran 3.2 miles
Walked 15 minutes
biked 17 min (approx 3 miles, training heart rate - pulled some hills)


1. Consisitently run speed under 10 minutes per mile by July 26
2. Continue to lose one pound a week without dieting; stop at natural plateau.
3. Add daily cross training: walking, biking or weights.

Todays speed work mile was run at 11 minutes. I've got a nagging pain in my right leg. I was tired this morning. It took a moderate amount of effort especially since I ran the first mile at 11 minutes and the plane wasn't level. (note: the pain went away after the run.)

New plan I'm not going to run long runs for a while. I'm "endurance ready" for a 5K race and I plan to spend my time training to improve my speed for that race distance. I've been training to run for 20 weeks. Today I could get through the 5K race easily, but I have no speed. There are about 10 weeks till the Septmember 7th labor day race. Those ten weeks will be spent doing everything I can to improve my speed. I'll run the 5K and may run other 5K's this year, but beginning in September I will begin the long runs again. I'll be training for a 10K at that point. After January 2010 I'll begin training for a marathon, either a half or maybe even a 26.5, it depends on how much progress I've been able to make in running long distances.

My running schedule is going to be primarily 3-4 mile runs and I will include speed work in each one. For example fartleks or tempos during the second or last mile. I also plan to do separate short practice runs of intervals. To start it doesn't matter how many or how far only that I do intervals and do them at a second training session.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

80 minute day.

The temperature was 80 and the humidity was high so I split up the run and included walking and running up and down a hill. I ran a couple of miles non stop but I was afraid of the heat so I made the time, but walked as well as ran.
Tomorrow is probably going to be my long run day.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Review - weeks mileage 20

I'm running 55 minutes consistently and easily. I'm running during the coolest part of the day. I include hills in my run and the surface I run on is asphalt. I try to run in the middle of the road and I rotate the side of the road I run on. I should be able to maintain a weekly running average of 15-20 miles.

I am working today so I'm not going to run. I will be standing and walking for at least five hours today which will count towards maintaining endurance.

I plan to maintain the weekly schedule of 2 rest/work days (at a job), three 55 minute runs one 30 minute run and one 90 minute run. Of course if I see that this is too stressful on my body I'll cut back. I do note that after three consecutive days of running 55 minutes each day my energy level was normal, but my left lower leg bone aches; last night I had some discomfort in my right foot and right big toe. So I'll see. I am not going past the point that I do more damage than I gain benefits from running. I'll be very satisfied to successfully run a 5K, which I can already do running at 30 minutes training days without even increasing to 55 minute and 90 minute training days. If a marathon is in my future then I'll go for that one, but if my ole body will only accept the training required for running a 5K then that's where I'll stop.

My weight is now 141 pounds. Waist size 33 and hips 37 and bust 42. My upper arms are smaller in diameter. That gives me a total loss of approximately 15 pounds since I began training to run and running 6 months ago. I don't think I want my weight to go down any lower than 135 pounds, which I haven't figured out how to manage my weight because running is the only change I've made that would create the calorie deficit. I did note in an earlier post the beginnings of a diet lower in calorie, but I dropped it after a day or so. For my age, height and bone structure the ideal weights listed range from 135#'s to 150#'s. From what I can calculate my fat to lean body composition is within a normal range, but the fat percentage could be smaller. The weight issue like the safe training level issue can be monitored an dealt with later if needed.

I was debating doing my 90 minutes in parts, but I think I'll do research on the Galloway method and use that technique for Sundays long run. I think the Galloway method means incorporating walking within the run. I only plan to use this method during my long run each week. I'm doing well enough with the 55 minute run to not feel the need to alter that run by walking during the run. I'm going to follow this schedule: one minute of walking for every 3-4 minutes of running. It's actually for the 8 minute mile runners and even though I'm not at the point of speed I am at that point of endurance fitness.
Jeff Galloway training walk breaks

Friday, June 26, 2009

Third day 55 minute Run

Ran: 55 minutes

I had trouble the last fifteen minutes. Not anything that would stop the run. I felt too tired. Tomorrow is a work/rest day so I should be ready to attempt an 80-90minute run on Sunday. Sunday will be my long run day.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

55minutes again today.

Ran: 55 minutes

Note: The temperature and humidity were good for running.
I didn't have any problems except for some soreness in left inside leg
bone or knee. Not a problem, but if it's worse tomorrow it may make me
decrease running time. I was able to take nice full deep breaths. I got
some hill training during the run.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

55 Minute Run

Ran: 55 minutes, listened to Ipodcast.

The temperature was cooler.
I hope to run 55 minutes tomorrow and friday. I work Saturday and I worked yesterday. So those were two rest days.

I had no problems today. Maintained a slow steady pace running around my neighborhood.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ran one mile Today

The temperatures are still high. This was an easy day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

ran 55 minutes today.

It was a good run. I listened to "music for runners". The beat is good, it's a 150 per minute tempo. I did fine until the last 15 minutes of my run. I was afraid I was getting too hot so I got some water then resumed running. It was 75 degrees with a 83% humidity. We've had temperatures close to 100 for the past several days.

The goal was 55 minutes and to make up the water break time I ran a minute or two past the end of the music podcast. According to the commentator on the podcast the run was a little over 4 miles and that's about right for me because I still average between 12-14 minutes a mile.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ran 30 minutes

Temperature and humidity was more reasonable today, but it will be 100+ degrees this afternoon.
Ran to a podcast- 55 minute 150 beat. I made it to the 30 minute mark.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ran One mile today

Nice run, but after running so long yesterday I should probably have taken a rest day.
I had a lot of aches and pains. I needed to run because I work Saturday and I may even take tomorrow as a rest day. Standing for 5-6 hours isn't a run but I've wondered if it were'nt close. Close in energy expenditure and may even be harder on legs and feet.
I feel that I'm coming right along. The London Marathon will be in April 2010.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Long day

Ran 75 minutes (2 parts first 60 minutes then an additional 15 minutes)

Temperature was 74 with humidity of 93% during the second run.

I guestimate a distance of 5 to 6 miles.

No problems; if it weren't for the heat I could have run longer and further.
I am getting used to the heat; I can tell because the run was easier.
After the run I worked outside for a couple of hours cutting grass with a sling blade and cutting back some bushes with a hedge clipper.

Monday, June 15, 2009

30 minute run..

Listened to a 30 minute instruction/techno music podcast on my ipod and ran 30 minutes - Walked 30 minutes. It wasn't as uncomfortable as yesterday. The temperture's were close to average, but I think the humidity was down.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hot day.

ran 3.5 miles at home
ran 20 minutes at Indian Mounds

Total of 70 minutes.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New socks.

Ran 45 minutes
Walked 15 minutes

I had a blister, which it's gone now so I decided to buy some socks. I'll try the first type today. The socks I'll try today are med socks. Med socks are especially designed for diabetics and people with circulatory problems. Which I know I have some age related circulatory changes, but I am not diabetic. The socks advertise that they provide no restiction to the feet, no irritating cloth ridges, and they pull moisture from the feet. I bought them because they were in the sales bin of a grocery store; generally they are expensive for socks, but due to the sale these were only 1.25 a pair. I also bought three pair of sports socks at Walmart. I'll try them for a while and get more of the ones I like the most.

For the second day I've had early morning diarrhea. I think it's food related. The cup of ice cream I've had each night for a bedtime snack or my over-enthusiastic celebration of my birthday this past weekend - "no, it's not the running trots, it's the vodka trots." At any rate before my morning run I take care to drink a full cup of coffee and this morning I even drank a little Gaderade.

True summertime has arrived. This mornings stats are 96% humidity at 69 degrees. I have to make sure I begin my run around 6:30am and now it's time to go. I'm only going to run 30 minutes again today. I may walk much longer because I want to make sure I burn enough calories this week to lose another pound. I've lost about a half pound to a pound every a week since I began my training to run. I started at 154 in January; today I weigh 142. I am anxious to lose more weight to see if that increases my speed. I'm very pleased with the way I've lost weight. Other times I've lost weight at this rate I've had some unpleasant side effects. Lose of energy and saggy skin, for example. This time skins firm and I have too much energy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Ran 20 minutes
Walked 10
It took too much effort to run 30 minutes. Maybe the heat, but probably because it was meant to be an easy day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Three day's of rest!

I ran 30 minutes today after taking 3 rest days in a row.
Easy no effort required and I didn't get too hot.

Friday, June 5, 2009


I. 6:30am humidity 100% at 70 degrees
Ran 1 mile at 13:00 minutes
Ran 1 mile with a total of 26:30 minutes total for both
Ran 1 mile 13:00 -Listened to running music-Couch to 5
III. 10:30am 78degrees; humidity 71%
Ran 1 mile under 15 minutes.

Final total for today -
Ran 4 miles; Time 54:30 minutes
Walked 15 minutes

I enjoyed todays running, but it took a lot of effort for me complete my assigned training for today. I think I had to push myself harder today than I ever have before. My hip joint hurt! I had to split the miles. I think the bad effort number can be attributed to the humidity, the temperature and the fact that this is day 4.
So far I've done 14.5 miles this week, only .5 then I'll have this weeks 15-20 miles goal.

Tomorrow is definitely going to be a rest day, then I hope I can run 6.2 Sunday. I plan to run it any way I can by spliting it in half or even a workout like today and breaks between each mile. I'll be a happy camper if I can run the whole 100 minutes without stopping.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

30 minute Run; 5 minute walk

Because I changed the rest day on my schedule I planned to run 45 minutes, but I got rained out after 30 minutes. Although I enjoyed the run today it took more effort than yesterday's run. I was glad to stop. My right lower leg and ankle got tired. I think my cardiovascular endurance has exceeded my skeletal/musculature endurance. Either that or every time I get a new pair of shoes I'll have a new set of muscles to strengthen. Too, I noticed a potential hot spot on a heel. Most advice that I've read in books suggest using vaseline for friction spots. Popular opinion is that the blisters are a sock issue. I may go buy a couple of pair of running socks today or tomorrow. Buying socks will be cheaper than frequently buying 5 blister pads at a cost of $3.20 per box. While I'm at it I'll buy some vaseline too.

The new discomforts are probably because this is the first week of aiming for between 15 and 20 miles and I am doing more and the pace is a little more aggressive. Even though my legs were achy first thing this morning my resting pulse was 56. I decided that was a good indication that I am not overtraining. It's an interesting turn of events to me now that my cardio is stronger than my legs, ankles and feet, when I began it was the other way round. Tomorrow will be a rest day. I'll go to the River Walk or Indian Mounds over the weekend and may tweek my schedule further by running 100 minutes on one of those days. It was smart to do this schedule in pencil!

I think it's interesting that at the young age of 62 years I've been able to, after never running before, begin training in January 09 and just a couple of months later I'm able to run 3 to 6 miles. Some of the literature says anyone can do it, but I don't believe that. Maybe I got my attitude because when I worked in nursing most people I dealt with in my age group not only couldn't run, but had serious health issues. I've decided to do a autobiography that is made up of the physical activities and jobs I've had that contribute to my ability to run and be otherwise fit.--The outline shows me that in high school I could out run and out jump all my classmates in P.E, the years I did fast paced work as a waitress, the years in retail and the nursing training and the kind of nursing I did would indeed prepare me for a program of long distance running. Even the first ten years I raised my daughter, and did not work outside the home, would show my ability to cope with extremes and fatiquing situations. I lived in a small house, no insulation-froze in the winter and sweltered in the summer. It would get so hot I would have to get out of the house. Candles melted. I would fill a child sized swimming pool; put it under a shade tree for us to sit in to cool us off. Not only did I adapt to and survive extremes in temperature, but I couldn't afford disposible diapers so I had to wash cotton diapers and I generally washed them by hand. I was a single parent, that meant I was the only one available to hold my child. My back hurt between my shoulder blades all during the time she was a toddler. I had no car so it's a given that I did more walking than some of my more fortunate friends.

I got to thinking about my feet getting blisters. What if I just spent $100 dollars on shoes, fit myself and made a mistake in the size. Thinking about it, for a (almost)skinny 5'4.5" inch woman it seems farfetched that I'd wear a size 8 mens shoe in a wide width. So I got on line found a web site and followed the directions. I got a piece of paper and carefully drew the outline of my foot. Then I measured the length and the width. Checked some online charts of sizing shoes by inches, length and width, and thank goodness, yes, according to the charts, with a foot of the length of 10 inches with a width of 4 inches is a mens size 8E. That's the size I bought and they should be perfect! I have to do the same thing with socks, that is I have to buy sizes that more than likely will accomodate mens feet.

I know from experience that finding the right shoe in a womens size is usually an exercise in futility. It's my opinion, that both the manufacturers and the ladies usually can't get away from the cosmetic appeal of the product. Even today with the popularity of marshmellow, clunker, athletic shoes the temptation cannot be resisted to stream line the shoes and make them look more delicate and feminine. That is usually to the sacrafice of a good fit and to the detriment of the feet.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ran 35 minutes - Walked 20

Nice day, at 6:30am the temperature was up to 70 degrees and the humidity was 83%.
No aches or pains. I ran at a faster pace than an planned longer run and I also made sure I included hills.

On the effort scale it was not difficult, but I did have to push myself.
On the enjoyment scale, between 1 to 10 it would be a 6.

I wore my new shoes, they feel bigger than they did yesterday. I bought them late in the day after a run. I would prefer they be bigger when I first put them on because I know my feet will swell after a few miles in the heat.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ran 6.2 Miles with a 5 minute break in the middle.

Ran: 3.2 miles
break 5 minutes to drink water
Ran 3 miles
Walked 30 minutes
Total today 6.2 miles

One of the books I read said after a run you should feel like you could do the same distance again. So, after 3.2 miles I felt like I could do it again, so I did. The only thing I noticed was a burning sensation in my left ankle area beginning at mile 5, some discomfort in right upper quadrant of abdomen and the last five minutes or so both ankles and my legs were tired to the extent that I was uncomfortable. I made sure it was a long slow run and it probably took 100 minutes to run 6.2 excluding the water break I took. I felt fine after the run, but I didn't feel like I could do it again today!

My pulse was 126 right after the run. My recovery time was slower at 6.2 miles than it is at 3.1 miles. At 30 minutes my pulse was 93 my blood pressure was 118/86, at 15 minutes my pulse was 113 and my BP was 119/86 and after five minutes my pulse was 111 and my blood pressure was 124/86. I have stairs though and it's possible that my pulse my increased with the walk up the stairs to get to the blood pressure machine. The pulse I took before I came in the house was actually 102 BPM. So, I don't think I have anything to worry about. I did go back outside with the 113BPM and "cooldown" walked for a while longer.

My new shoes were wonderful. The blister remained undisturbed and I don't have any new blisters, sore toes or toe nails. If these shoes carry me up to continuous 6-10 mile runs I'm going to go ahead and buy another pair just like them. I'll buy them in July. I didn't see a lot of shoes like this and although I could order them online, I'd rather buy them at a store.

I think I'm closer to the 26 week training schedule than the 15 weeks. I may revise my calendar, it makes no sense to have a schedule and run more than is on the schedule just so if I get lazy I can fall back on the shorter distances with more rest days. I went back and counted from day one, which was January 20. This week marks the beginning of week 20.

It was a good run I enjoyed it. The temperatures are wonderful.
I began the day at 6:30AM- temperatures 65 the humidity 83%.
I finished before 9:00AM
Right now at 9:20AM the temperature is 72 and the humidity is 82%.

I'm going to listen to my body and run as much as I can everyday.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rest and Recovery Day.

Today I'll exercise my brain instead of my body. I'll read the Tim Noakes, MD; "The Lore of Running," and do some online research.

I've already checked out forums and blogs getting information about facial phlethora(redness) and hands swelling. It seems it is a common occurance especially in fair skinned individuals. Nothing to worry about. Now, the heat is a different story. If turning extremely red is an indication of overheating then I'll slow down or stop. I've also concluded that the swelling and redness is like every other part of the immediate recovery process and the only worry would be if the swelling and redness does not go away with the fast heart rate.