Friday, August 14, 2009

The humidity is killing me!

Ran: 50 minutes
Walked: 20 minutes

Humidity 100%.
The first two miles were a 6 effort
The last mile or so was at least an 7-8 effort.
I'm staying up long enough to watch all the late night shows and then still getting up early. I'm getting a later start though. Maybe if I avoid tea at 12 midnight I'll sleep better.

I have even more motivation to keep up the good work. I bought new clothing yester day. I wear a 10. I found several pairs of pants on sale for $6.00 a pair so I bought a 12P. I didn't want to spend a lot of money because I'm not sure of just how light weight I'm going to get. When I was in high school many, many years ago I wore a size 7. The only other time I got down to less than a 8 I had serious health issues and almost died. Today I'm going to shop some more. I hope to find a few items that I can use to run in. I did find one pair of tights that might work. I also found a lightweight jacket. The only problem with the clothing is that it's not made out of that "wicking" material. Anyway. I'm not running a marathon this winter so I can get a way with cotton, which I love cotton. I was taught that cotton was the cloth that could breath. But it's a new time and these are new advertising campaigns. I just think its a hoot that the retailers have us back in synthetic materials. I had hoped the polyester erat was gone. I remember being very uncomfortable in clothing made out of synthetic materials and I tend to be biased.

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