Saturday, July 25, 2009

Establishing a PR --Ran a mile in 11 minutes today.

distance: 3.84 miles
Time: 44:29 minutes
Pace: 11:35 per mile
VOmax: 25.53

9:00 AM
Time: 30 minutes
ran hills and trails

It was too hot by the time I left at 10AM

I love the ease with which I'm running, but my big toe doesn't. I have some kind of nail bed problem. It's isn't where an ingrown toenail is typically found. I trimed my nail and plan to soak my foot and toe in salt water. I hope that will clear it up. I wore a couple of different kinds of shoes over the past several days. That could be it.I have an unexpected opportunity to work tomorrow. So I may not run. That's more for my Toe then anything else.

I am pleased to see that my easy run speed has increased. It is about six weeks now till the labor day race. I'm hoping my easy run speed will increase significantly by the day of the race.

Note: It took a high medium amount of effort. I believe the run was made more difficult because I have a couple of extra pounds of water weight. I ate fish at a restaurant and I'm sure it was loaded with salt. Salt and grease..yum yum it was so good. I was also tired when I work up and the first blood pressure reading was 150/86pulse 56. Additional proof that if I eat salt it will drive my first AM blood pressure up. I'm getting back on the straight and narrow and today I will resume my low sodium eating regimen. I'm also wanting to get back on a calorie watch because I would like to lose at least 5 more pounds before the race. I'm going to try for the 2 pounds per inches in height. In my case that would be 66 X 2 or 132 pounds. I weigh 140 minus the salt, but 135 is my short term goal because I do not want to lose more than one pound a week in the six weeks left till the race.

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