Monday, March 23, 2009

Back to Training Schedule!

Todays goal was to increase total feet by 10% or more which I did. I also wanted to increase at least one continuous run up from 800ft to 1000ft. The rest of my runs were from 200 to 600 feet at a time with walking in between. Which I met all goals for today.

Place: The road in front of my house.
Conditions: Sunny, temperature was 50 degrees.
Time out side: 50 minutes
Long run: 1000 feet
Total interval lengths of running: 4000 feet or 3/4 mile.
Pedometer: 5804 - approx. 2 and 3/4 miles.

Note: back of right leg at calf area ached the entire time and the left leg at calf area began to ache at the end of the walk/run session. The last couple of toes and part of my right foot felt like it was asleep. Could have been cold. I should have warmed up more because I was a stiff after standing at work and working for three straight days.

Goal for the next 4 days is to do the same number of running feet intervals and lengths and to include at least one 1000 feet continuous run time. I will train for four days, then take a rest day then work a day then Sunday begin the next week and hopefully increase the continuous run up to 1100 from 1000.

I have eaten too much for the previous three days so I am going to cut calories for the next several days. I bought some face cream with sun screen. It can't hurt to use sunscreen. I hope I can remember to use it.

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