Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bright Idea

Allegro 5K

I think I'm might run/walk the Allegro Race on May 9th. The location is close to my home and it is a place I'm very familiar with. I can register the day of the race. I work that day, but I don't have to be at work until 11AM.(better yet, I won't work that day!)---The First 5K, What To Expect
The down side to my bright idea is the timing. It will be very hot in May which may be a bad idea for a first race.
Other racing opportunities would be: May 2, 2009, Mission Run

True to the new plan as soon as there was some light, after stretches, I walked five minutes, ran five minutes and walked five minutes. Total run 1400ft or 0.26515 of a mile, when I hit the 1200ft mark the 5 minute timer went off. Next I took a break then went outside and do my regular daily running routine.

(15min) 7:15-7:30 AM: Ran non-stop 0.26 or about a quarter of a mile.

(1hr 22 min)8:08-9:30 AM (: ran intervals and runtime 1 mile with walking inbetween to cooldown.
Ran a lot of 200 feet runs, ran six, 300ft runs that included a short hill and a short incline. The longest continuous run in my second training workout was 800ft and it was the last run for today.
Total overall miles ran today: 1.26 miles with additional miles inbetween.
Pedometer: 11280 or 5.3 miles.
Heart Rates: 92 walking; 120 running. My target's are lower at 50%=80 my upper at 75%=120, those are approximations taking my age then subtracting it from 220 then multiplying the two figures by first 50% then 75%.
First post exercise BP: systolic: 124; diastolic: 77; pulse:92.
After recovery BP: systolic: 108; diastolic: 74; pulse: 71.

I will do weight training today and I will include an ABD exercise or two. I like the stride cycle, but it is only going to be useful as a range of motion exercise, which will be good for the joints. It won't get my heart rate up.

Notes: No problems, cool and cloudy. I am amazed at the difference in my motivation and attitude in running at the two different places. Yesterday Macon State College and today around my neighborhood. I can run longer at the college. Don't know why. It could be as simple as the asphalt road that I'm running at home is more difficult than the trails and padded track at the school. Dispite the diffences in running surfaces I think there is a psychological component.

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